Where Did My Breast Cancer Come From?

Throughout my career as a Clinical Reflexologist I’ve had the opportunity to work with clients in many stages of breast cancer. Some ask questions about the causes. I want to share about one particular client who asked what caused her illness. I started the treatment working the reflex area for breast tissue on her feet while asking her questions. I asked about the timing of the illness, which side of the body it occurred on, how she felt about her life as a wife and mother, if she was excited about becoming a grandmother in the future? Then I showed her how lymph drains in the body.

The right breast lymph drainage is connected with the head, neck, right shoulder, and right arm which all drain to the right side of the body into the right kidney. This client was healing from cancer in her right breast. I asked some questions about injuries to any of those areas as well as dental health. I asked about any concussions and headache history…and she could not think of anything during our treatment session.

Later that evening, the group asked me to stay for dinner and wanted me to explain my findings for each of the people at the table who had sessions. I made sure no one had objections or privacy issues and since they were good friends and knew each other well, I started by saying of this woman, that what I found had to do with a traumatic brain injury that may have given her a concussion but certainly messed with her lymph flow and drainage to the right breast. Then she started telling the story of what happened when she was a child. She even showed the scar on her hairline! Everyone was amazed that she was unable to tell me anything in the treatment but remembered in detail later at our dinner.

Now for left breast information…Any and all physical injuries from the right hip and leg as well as the left leg and hip continuing up the left side from the sternum to the left shoulder drains into the left kidney and can block lymph flow to the left breast causing accumulated toxicity, parasites, and cellular damage caused by radiation and excessive pressure. For this reason, you may want to look at thermal imaging rather than mammography.

Another interesting item to note is that the entire spine and its flow is a huge consideration. The tailbone, when injured, can represent as a brain injury as well as a physical injury which may affect the lymph flow and health of both breasts.


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