I just can’t help myself when it comes to choosing the least toxic products available to me. I was born like a sponge taking in everything environmentally. Life has taught me that a wise person finds ways to limit toxicity of all types. Toxic people, behaviors, products, environments, noise, images, substances legal or not…the world seems to be ever increasing in levels of toxicity and we must apply limits for ourselves and our families.
We are stewards of the earth, our world, its healthy outcome rests in our hands. With the efforts of all of us, I feel that choosing the least toxic products helps all life. We get more of what we focus on so I invite you to join me in the quest of gathering more people who are wise and discerning enough to choose products to use and support companies involved in researching and developing clean, effective, and helpful products of the highest quality. Our focus matters…Be in alignment with what’s good for all life.
One of my favorite books of all time is, “The Hidden Messages in Water” written by Masaru Emoto. Pardon the pun, but seriously it’s crystal clear that our thoughts create. Our thoughts involve our focus. Ladies and gentlemen keep it purely clean, helpful, loving, grateful, kind, and respectful. You then bless all and create a life of living in grace and appreciation. I invite you to look into the Melaleuca company and their products for your bodily environment, households and communities. With correct motivation, focus, wisdom and caring our actions will support in all ways what supports radiant life being good stewards of our home planet earth.