Knee Pain

As a clinical Reflexologist, I recognize many areas of the body affected by discomfort in a specific joint. Recently I was having a phone conversation with a young woman of 25 who was having knee pain. I always ask people if they are open to being helped by what I know. I do so because a person doesn’t know what they don’t know until it’s revealed. Sometimes people answer with a resounding yes, but often people are fine with the discomfort and feel that they already have answers if they just had time or resources to care for themselves. I enjoy helping willing learners.

Have you ever heard of the teachability index? It’s a zero to 10 scale. Zero means the sponge is full and needs wrung out before they can take in new helpful information. 1 through 9 are varying degrees of a full sponge representing room for info. or willingness to listen to gain wisdom. Ten, now that’s a jackpot! They are ready for direction and taking notes meaning they are after more than knowledge. They are after wisdom which is the ability to apply knowledge with discernment. Knowledge is worthless unless a person is wise enough to use it correctly. I resonate with wise folks! The young woman I was speaking with moved through the teachability index quickly so I decided to answer her knee pain question in a blog.

Knee pain affects many parts of the body and the degree of pain is very important to notice and understand. If pain is acute (intolerable) on the inside of the knee it has to do with alignment, sacroiliac, pelvic and shoulder girdles, neck, back, and low back discomfort. It can affect stomach, blood pressure, anxiety, psychological issues (eating disorders), control issues and the list goes on. If pain is on the outside of the knee it can affect proper elimination, optimal lung and liver function, cause slow or circular thinking or mental ruts.

My experience using reflexology for relief of knee pain uses the middle joint on the middle fingers, all joints on the little fingers and thumbs. Rub oil into these joints slowly getting used to manipulation of the joints. Increase pressure to a good discomfort until you feel the joint shift to align. Another great reflex area to get dynamic results fast is the middle of the forehead. Locate the middle by going between the hairline and the very top of the nose between the eyebrows. Find the painful reflex and massage with fingertips or for better leverage use a pencil eraser or large round wooden bead to return electric flow bringing oxygenated blood and healing to the knee. As pain resolves in the reflex area so it resolves in the knee


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