Through my years as a Clinical Reflexologist I’ve had ample opportunities to treat broken bones, fractures and set bones. I have lived in mountain communities for about 20 years now providing many opportunities to work with a lot of bone and tissue damage. It inspired me to learn about the healing qualities of Comfrey which grows wild in many areas throughout the US Southwest.
Comfrey tea has great benefits. Some of the common names for this wonderful plant are healing herb, knitbone, and boneset. Comfrey is known to aid in quick skin and tissue repair, reducing inflammation and keeping skin healthy. Pay attention to the deep and proper cleansing of any open wounds. The tissue heals quickly and it wouldn’t be wise to have the skin heal over trapped debris. Comfrey has been used for the treatment of bruises, sprains, strained or pulled muscles, broken bones, bone strength, health, fractures and overall structural comfort. Comfrey tea is also beneficial for digestive issues, respiratory issues, circulatory issues, and gum disease and sore throat which require swishing or gargling.
Comfrey is a short brew tea (2 min.) not to be overdone. There are other delivery options for Comfrey besides tea. Making your own Comfrey oil and salve are not difficult so would be worth considering. Try adding the brewed Comfrey tea to bath water for a soak.