Morphine Headache

A friend of mine called to see if I might be able to help her daughter who had been released
after a hospital visit for what thought were kidney stones. When they checked this woman in,
she was in a lot of pain so they gave her a morphine pump. In the check-in process they
discovered she was an uninsured, single mom of two young daughters unable to pay for the
hospital visit so they sent her home. She also had substance abuse issues in her past so I
asked about the morphine pump and her mom said she had a morphine headache that didn’t
even allow her to lift her head without vomiting. It was her third day being sick and in pain on
the couch. Her mom was concerned about her pain, lack of childcare, and that morphine
headaches can last a week or more.

I asked the mom to bring her to see me and to pick up some castor oil on the way. When
they arrived I had the client take three TBLS. of castor oil and started her treatment. She
sweated profusely during her session where she passed the kidney stones. When I spoke to
my friend, who was her mom, the next day, she was relieved and delighted that her girls were
feeling great on a road trip to their dental appointments for her granddaughters.


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