Aligned and Comfortable…Which Way to the Ski Slopes?

Today as I sit writing on the day of a total eclipse, I am reminded of how physical pain has
the ability to eclipse the plans people have made to live their best life on their terms. Imagine
looking forward to a ski vacation with your beautiful wife, only to get there and know, skiing is
out of the question for you because a car accident gave you debilitating low back pain. This
couple had explained their situation to the family they were staying with, who were my clients.
They asked me to help this young man. I used the reflexes on his hands and feet as well as his
shin bones to align his spine making sure his pelvic girdle balanced. When he stood up, I
observed a straight spine and a smile indicating that he felt better. They skied three full days
and he had zero pain.

When this young couple went home, they shared their story with family and friends. So their
family and friends invited me to travel to their location to help many people with the wisdom of
clinical reflexology. I have made that trip several times through the years, enjoying watching
their family grow. They have created a wonderful life together. Being invited into their world
opened my life to new clients enriching so many lives. Expansion of healing blesses all.


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