Tapping for Overcoming Trauma Response

I was reading, “Tapping the Healer Within” by Roger Callahan PHD and Richard Trubo, on a flight to Costa Rica where I was to see a client who was having severe back pain for around 3 months prior to my visit. The book had been on my shelf just waiting for me to take time to read it. As luck would have it, the flight was just the perfect opportunity in divine timing for working with the gentleman. The book explains the use of algorithms to treat deeply ingrained trauma responses in the brain and nervous system. I read it cover to cover on that flight. When I was finished, I closed the book and thought, “Wow, this is like having gold in my hands!” It was easy to see how it could help people overcome trauma, pain, and stuck emotions speeding the healing process because of my reflexology background.

When I met my client, he was obviously suffering. On the evening of my second day of treating him, I talked about the tapping technique and asked if he was willing to try it.

After about an hour and a half he was exhausted from his day of discomfort and didn’t think it was working. I suggested he turn in and try to sleep. We could try more in the morning. Since I had read the entire book I knew he could be having what’s called an apex problem. It happens when the trauma or pain is deeply ingrained and the person being treated isn’t aware of the rewire taking place within them. When I saw him in the morning the transformation was obvious…He looked radiant and asked me if I thought that treatment could work for someone with multiple personality disorder! Needless to say he was aware that he felt very changed indeed allowing him a speedy recovery and ultimately healing.


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